Mahndorf - Family (GER)

Here you will find all information about the red kite family Mahndorf. To have a look at our interactive map of the bird please scroll down.

Family tree:

Reference: TB Raab 2022

The Red Kite family from Mahndorf (Germany) has been tracked and monitored by GPS transmitters for several years. The adult bird (father) was first tagged in June 2018. In the meantime, he lost the logger, but could be re-tagged. In addition, two young birds of the adult bird were also tagged in 2018. In 2019, two young birds of the adult bird were successfully tagged. In 2020, a nest with 3 young birds of the same adult bird was reached an all 3 bird were tagged. Thus, the Red Kite family from Mahndorf offers cross-generational observation and analysis of the data by the GPS transmitter.

Unfortunately, in the following years it was not possible to tag more young birds from Mahndorf. Mahndorf himself is still alive and in good health, but all descendants who were tagged have now died.

Left picture: Offspring 2019 by Martin Kolbe; right picture: Offspring 2020 by Martin Kolbe