Online-Workshop (Microsoft Teams), 11. November 2021 9:00-16:30

Dear All,

First of all, we want to thank you for your interest in the LIFE EUROKITE project.
The core idea of LIFE EUROKITE is to use telemetry technology to identify the spatial habitat use of the target species(Red Kite, Imperial Eagle, White-tailed Eagle and Black Kite) and quantify the key reasons of mortality of bird of prey species in the EU. Many raptor species are frequent victims of illegal human activity. The use of poison-baits in the countryside is one of the most widely used predator eradication methods worldwide and is a significant threat to biodiversity in the European Union.
The first workshop on the topic “Actions against illegal poisoning” took place on the 12thNovember 2020 with 75 participants from 16 different countries and around 40 organisations
and projects. With this 2. Online-Workshop “Overview of wildlife poisoning in whole Europe” as a preparation or the “MEP Cross-party Event in Brussels in October 2022” we want to get a general overview about the poisoning situation in different countries in Europe. We want to discuss with you gaps and achievements in terms of fighting against wildlife poisoning. Our goal is it, to introduce a “European Day against poisoning of animals” and organise an event at the European Parliament
in Brussels in October 2022.

Click here for the Agenda.

If you want to attend the workshop please sent an E-Mail to with your full name, your country and why you want to join the workshop.

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