Aquila heliaca
Steiner Helmut (2020): Das Comeback von Kaiseradler und Seeadler in Österreich aus jagdlicher und fischereilicher Sicht. ÖKO L 42: 28-33.
Horváth M., Solti B., Fater I., Juhász T., Haraszthy L., Szitta T., Ballók Z. & Páaztory-Kovács S. (2018): Temporal changes in the diet composition of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Hungary. Ornis Hungarica 26: 1-26.
Schmidt M. & Horal D. (2018): Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) on its most north-west distribution edge.
De Rosa D., Sará M., Chavko J., Maderic B., Spakovszky P., Steindl J. & Raab R. (2017): An Imperial Eagle travelling in Italy. Poster presented at the Conference: XIX CIO, September 2017, Torino (IT).
Karyakin I. V., Kovalenko A. V. & Zinevich L. S. (2016): The first record of case of the Imperial Eagle and the Steppe Eagle successful breeding in the mixed pair in Western Kazakhstan and records of probable hybrids of these species in Russia and Kazakhstan. 32.
Chavko J., Deutschová L., Danko Š., Mihók J., Landsfeld B., Pavelka J., Šnírer L., Harvančík S., Dubravský A., Prešinský L. & Galaš R. (2014): Status of the eastern imperial eagle population in Slovakia between 1977 and 2013. Slovak Raptor Journal 8: 9-15.
Demerdzhiev D., Dobrev D., Isfendiyaroğlu S., Boev Z., Stoychev S., Tereziev N. & Spasov S. (2014): Distribution, abundance, breeding parameters, threats and prey preferences of the eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in European Turkey. Slovak Raptor Journal 8: 17-25.
Demerdzhiev D., Stoychev S., Dobrev D., Spasov S. & Terziev N. (2014): Conservation measures undertaken to improve the population status of eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Bulgaria. Slovak Raptor Journal 8: 27-39.
Deutschová L., Guziová Z. & Dravecký M. (2014): VII. International Conference on the Conservation ofthe Eastern Imperial Eagle, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2013. Slovak Raptor Journal 8: 3-8.
Horal D. (2014): Status ofthe eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in the Czech Republic – 2013 update, ringing results and new findings. Slovak Raptor Journal 8: 41-46.
Nedyalkov N., Levin A., Dixon A. & Boev Z. (2014): Diet of Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) and Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) from Central Kazakhstan. Ecologia Balkanica 6: 25-30.
Nemček V., Noga M. & Dobrý M. (2014): Movements of imperial eagle Aquila heliaca juveniles and description of monitored areas in the border zone between Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. Slovak Raptor Journal 8: 47-52.
Stoychev S., Demerdzhiev D., Spasov S., Meyburg B.-U. & Dobrev D. (2014): Survival rate and mortality ofjuvenile and immature eastern imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca) from Bulgaria studied by satellite telemetry. Slovak Raptor Journal 8: 53-60.
Vili N., Szabo K., Kovacs S., Kabai P., Kalmar L. & Horvath M. (2013): High turnover rate revealed by non-invasive genetic analyses in an expanding Eastern Imperial eagle population. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59: 279-295.
Spasov S., Arkumarev V., Dobrev D. & Dobrev V. (2012): An overview of monitoring for raptors in Bulgaria. Acrocephalus 33: 181-189.
Bierbaumer M., Horal D. & Wichmann G. (2011): Steppenadler im Aufwind. Der Kaiseradler in den March-Thaya-Auen. Wiss. Mitt. Niederösterr. Landesmuseum 22: 129-152.
Demerdzhiev D., Horváth M., Kovács A., Stoychev S. & Karyakin I. (2011): Status and Population Trend of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Europe in the Period 2000-2010. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 3: 5-14.
Gradev G. G., Matarranz V. G., Dobreva E. H., Popov D. V., Marin A., Ivanov I. I. & Zhelev P. V. (2011): First Results of the Tracking of Eastern Imperial Eagles (Аquila heliaca) Tagged with Radio-Transmitters in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 3: 21_28.
Horváth M., Demeter I., Fatér I., Firmánszky G., Kleszó A., Kovács A., Szitta T., Tóth I., Zalai T. & Bagyura J. (2011): Population Dynamics of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Hungary between 2001 and 2009. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 3: 61-70.
Wichmann G. (2011): The Situation of the Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Austria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 3: 37-40.
Danko S., Chavko J., Demeter G., Mihók J., Izakovic J., Latková H., Siryová S., Noga M. & Nemcek V. (2011): Conservation of eastern imperial eagle in the Slovak part of the Carpathian Basin—Results of the EU LIFE-Nature project (2003–2007). Acta Zoolica Bulgaria 3: 71-78.
Horal D. (2011): Eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in the Czech Republic. Acta Zoolica Bulgaria 63: 55-59.
Katzner T. E., Ivy J. A. R., Bragin E. A., Millner-Gulland E. J. & DeWoody J.A. (2011): Conservation implications of inaccurate estimation of cryptic population size. Animal Conservation 14: 328-332.
Horváth M., Szitta T., Firmánszky G., Solti B., Kovács A. & Moskát C. (2010): Spatial variation in prey composition and its possible effect on reproductive success in an expanding Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) population. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56: 187-200.
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Zhelev P. V., Gradev G. & Georgiev D. (2009): Data on the Trophic Spectrum of Young Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809) in South Bulgaria. Ecologia Balkanica 1: 51-58.
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Rudnick J. A., Katzner T. E., Bragin E. A. & DeWoody J. A. (2008): A non-invasive genetic evaluation of population size, natal philopatry, and roosting behavior of non-breeding eastern imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca) in central Asia. Conservation Genetics 9: 667-676.
Kovács A., Demeter I., Fáter I., Bagyura J., Nagy K., Szitta T., Firmánszky G. & Horvath M. (2008): Current efforts to monitor and conserve the Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Hungary. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 37: 457-459.
Gradev G. G., Garcia V., Dobraeva E., Popov D., Marin S., Ivanov I., Zhelev P. & Press I. (2008): First results from the tracking of Eastern Imperial Eagles (Аquila heliaca) tagged with radio-transmitters in Bulgaria. In 6th International Conference on the Conservation of the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) . Acta Zoolica Bulgaria 3: 21-28.
Chavko J., Danko Š., Obuch J. & Mihók J. (2007): The food of the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Slovakia. Slovak Raptor Journal 1: 1-18.
Ryabtsev V. V. & Katzner T. E. (2007): Severe declines of Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca populations in the Baikal region, Russia: a modern and historical perspective. Bird Conservation International 17: 197-209.
Katzner T. E., Bragin E. A. & Milner-Gulland E. J. (2006): Modelling populations of long-lived birds of prey for conservation: A study of imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca) in Kazakhstan. Biological Conservation 132: 322-335.
Sanchez-Zapata J. A., Carrete M., Gravilov A., Sklyarenko S., Ceballos O., Donazar J.A. & Hiraldo F. (2003): Land use changes and raptor conservation in steppe habitats of Eastern Kazakhstan. Biological Conservation 111: 71-77.
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Svelik J. & Meyburg B.U. (1979): Gelegegröße und Bruterfolg des Schreiadlers (Aquila pomarina) und des Kaiseradlers (Aquila heliaca) in den Ostslowakischen Karpaten 1966-1978. Journal für Ornithologie 4: 406-415.